TapeStation Protocol
TapeStation Protocol
Based on Putnam Lab TapeStation Protocol written by M. Schedl: TapeStation
Agilent Tape Station 4200
Link to Agilent 4200 TapeStation System
TapeStation Ladder: Agilent RNA screentape ladder
TapeStation buffer and tape: Agilent RNA assays
Lab Armor chill bucket and beads: The Lab Depot
- Take RNA Tape and buffer out of fridge 30 minutes beforehand to allow it to equilibrate to room temperature
- Take bead bucket out of the -20°C and put in the RNA ladder (kept in -20°C) and your RNA sample aliquot tubes (kept in -80°C)
- Turn on TapeStation, laptop, and Thermocycler
- Take out appropriate number of Tape Station strip tubes and tube caps (located F drawer 11)
- Vortex and spin down buffer, ladder, and samples
- Add 5µl RNA buffer each to the number of tubes needed + 1. The first tube is always the ladder
- Add 1µl RNA ladder to the first tube
- Add 1µl of each sample to each sample tube
- Put on tube caps and vortex for 1 minute in IKA vortexer
- Spin down tubes
- Turn on Thermocyler and log into JONP. Put tube strip(s) in Thermocyler and balance for the lid. Run program rna denature
- Spin down tubes
- Open TapeStation Controller program and make sure connection to Eve is good
- Put in tape and check expiration date
- Take off tube caps and place tubes in Eve with the ladder in position A1
- Name tube positions in TapeStation Controller program
- Start and relax!
- The TapeStation Analysis software should open by itself
- View the traces with the Electropherogram option
- File -> Create Report
Thermocyler “rna denature” program:
- 3 minutes at 72 °C
- 2 minutes at 4 °C
- Hold at 4 °C
Written on May 31, 2019