Protein Kit Test

Protein Kit Comparison Test

Pierce BCA “Purple/Old Kit” information here.

Pierce BCA Rapid Gold “New Kit” information here.

I used the Rapid Gold kit on my samples for the HoloInt project, but there was more variation and higher values than we were expecting in both M. capitata and P. acuta. This was the first time our lab used the Rapid Gold kit for corals so I re-did 38 samples with the older, “purple” kit. Below is a summary of the results: we concluded that the Rapid Gold kit does result in more variation and higher values than the older kit. I will move forward with re-doing all samples with the older, “purple” kit and we will save the Rapid Gold kits for teaching BIO345.

All points color coded by treatment.


Boxplot of all points color coded by treatment.


Side by side of each sample’s value on new, rapid gold kit (prot_mg.cm2) and the old, purple kit (prot_mg.cm2.562).


Correlation plot between the new, rapid gold kit (prot_mg.cm2) and the old, purple kit (prot_mg.cm2.562).


Written on March 15, 2021