P. meandrina RNA DNA Extraction

DNA RNA Extraction for Pocillopora meandrina

DNA RNA Extraction using this protocol. Gel electrophoresis protocol here. Qubit protocol here. TapeStation for RNA protocol here.

Pocillopora meandrina fragments were vortexed for 1 minute. The same fragment was extracted twice to try to get the best RNA to use moving forward (PM-1 and PM-2).

Coral ID: Pocillopora meandrina bleached III Sep 2020 EN/PD that was shipped from Coral Resistance Lab in Hawaii.

Qubit and tapestation values

Qubit standards

DNA BR Standard 1: 188.36
DNA BR Standard 2: 20,073.85

RNA HS Standard 1: 43.71
RNA HS Standard 2: 715.98


DNA Reading 1 = 81.6 ng/uL
DNA Reading 2 = 81.4 ng/uL
DNA Average = 81.5 ng/uL

RNA Reading 1 = 96.2 ng/uL
RNA Reading 2 = 96.0 ng/uL
RNA Average = 96.1 ng/uL



DNA Reading 1 = 69.6 ng/uL
DNA Reading 2 = 69.0 ng/uL
DNA Average = 69.3 ng/uL

RNA Reading 1 = 102 ng/uL
RNA Reading 2 = 102 ng/uL
RNA Average = 102 ng/uL


Full tapestation report here

Gel electrophoresis image


Written on July 19, 2021