KBay Pairs 16S Analysis Pipeline

KBay Bleached Pairs 16S Sequencing Analysis Pipeline with QIIME2

This pipeline uses QIIME2. See this notebook post for the pipeline for using Mothur.

For more detailed pipeline and 16S information see:

  • 16S Laboratory Protocol here.
  • 16S pipeline workflow explained here from the Hawai’i Holobiont Integration project. If beginner to this workflow, I would recommend following this notebook post.
  • Another example of 16S pipeline for Mo’orea E5 project here.

KBay Bleaching Pairs project

Project github: HI_Bleaching_Pairs
Molecular laboratory work spreadsheet: excel doc

40 adult coral biopsies of M. capitata used for molecular analysis from July 2019 and December 2019 time points. Laboratory work for this project found here.

Raw data path (not edit-able): ../../data/putnamlab/shared/ES_BP_16S
Raw data path (edit-able): ../../data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/raw_data
Output data path: ../../data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S


Setting Up Andromeda

Sign into andromeda: $ ssh -l emma_strand ssh3.hac.uri.edu.
Navigate to data folder (path for all following scripts): $ cd ../../data/putnamlab/shared/ES_BP_16S

Double check number files in the folder: $ ls -l | wc -l. The output should be 80 (1 reverse and 1 forward for each sample; 40 x 2 = 80 files).

Create conda environment

$ conda create -n KBay_16S
$ conda activate KBay_16S

FASTQC - Quality Control

Make new folders for output and scripts:

  • Navigate to own username folder: $ cd ../../data/putnamlab/estrand.
  • Make a new directory within own username for the outputs: $ mkdir BleachingPairs_16S.
  • Navigate to the new directory: $ cd BleachingPairs_16S.
  • Make a new directory for the raw data: $ mkdir raw_data.
  • Make a new directory for the fastqc output in the new project folder: $ mkdir fastqc_results.
  • Make a new directory for the scripts: $ mkdir scripts.

Copy the raw data from the shared folder to the new ‘raw_data’ folder: $ cp /data/putnamlab/shared/ES_BP_16S/*fastq.gz /data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/raw_data.

Make a new script to run the FastQC program.

$ cd scripts
$ nano fastqc.sh

## copy and paste the below script into the file

#SBATCH -t 24:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --export=NONE
#SBATCH --mem=100GB
#SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL #email you when job starts, stops and/or fails
#SBATCH --mail-user=emma_strand@uri.edu #your email to send notifications
#SBATCH --account=putnamlab                  
#SBATCH --error="script_error" #if your job fails, the error report will be put in this file
#SBATCH --output="output_script" #once your job is completed, any final job report comments will be put in this file

source /usr/share/Modules/init/sh # load the module function

module load FastQC/0.11.9-Java-11
module load MultiQC/1.9-intel-2020a-Python-3.8.2

cd /data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S

for file in raw_data/*fastq.gz
fastqc $file --outdir fastqc_results         

multiqc --interactive fastqc_results  

mv multiqc_report.html BleachedPairs_16S_raw_qc_multiqc_report.html # renames file

Run the above script for the fastqc program and multiqc report output: $ sbatch fastqc.sh.

Check the status of a job: squeue -u emma_strand.

Move the multiqic file from andromeda to your computer to view in an internet browser.

$ scp emma_strand@bluewaves.uri.edu:/data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/BleachedPairs_16S_raw_qc_multiqc_report.html /Users/emmastrand/MyProjects/HI_Bleaching_Timeseries/data/16S/

MultiQC Report

General Statistics

Sample Name % Dups % GC Length M Seqs
WSH217_S195_L001_R1_001 88.9% 42% 218 bp 0.0
WSH217_S195_L001_R2_001 75.2% 43% 222 bp 0.0
WSH218_S202_L001_R1_001 90.4% 42% 227 bp 0.0
WSH218_S202_L001_R2_001 78.4% 42% 231 bp 0.0
WSH219_S209_L001_R1_001 90.7% 41% 207 bp 0.0
WSH219_S209_L001_R2_001 80.7% 41% 213 bp 0.0
WSH220_S216_L001_R1_001 91.0% 42% 214 bp 0.0
WSH220_S216_L001_R2_001 77.8% 42% 221 bp 0.0
WSH221_S223_L001_R1_001 91.8% 41% 215 bp 0.0
WSH221_S223_L001_R2_001 82.3% 41% 221 bp 0.0
WSH222_S230_L001_R1_001 92.7% 42% 208 bp 0.0
WSH222_S230_L001_R2_001 83.6% 42% 213 bp 0.0
WSH223_S237_L001_R1_001 89.5% 41% 241 bp 0.0
WSH223_S237_L001_R2_001 79.3% 42% 245 bp 0.0
WSH224_S244_L001_R1_001 91.7% 42% 222 bp 0.0
WSH224_S244_L001_R2_001 80.8% 42% 227 bp 0.0
WSH225_S196_L001_R1_001 88.6% 41% 219 bp 0.0
WSH225_S196_L001_R2_001 78.5% 42% 223 bp 0.0
WSH226_S203_L001_R1_001 88.6% 41% 221 bp 0.0
WSH226_S203_L001_R2_001 79.3% 42% 224 bp 0.0
WSH227_S210_L001_R1_001 93.7% 43% 234 bp 0.0
WSH227_S210_L001_R2_001 90.4% 43% 237 bp 0.0
WSH228_S217_L001_R1_001 92.6% 40% 216 bp 0.0
WSH228_S217_L001_R2_001 85.2% 41% 221 bp 0.0
WSH229_S224_L001_R1_001 92.7% 41% 215 bp 0.0
WSH229_S224_L001_R2_001 85.3% 42% 219 bp 0.0
WSH230_S231_L001_R1_001 92.3% 45% 231 bp 0.0
WSH230_S231_L001_R2_001 85.5% 46% 235 bp 0.0
WSH231_S238_L001_R1_001 88.3% 42% 239 bp 0.0
WSH231_S238_L001_R2_001 79.8% 44% 242 bp 0.0
WSH232_S245_L001_R1_001 92.8% 40% 208 bp 0.0
WSH232_S245_L001_R2_001 87.4% 41% 212 bp 0.0
WSH233_S197_L001_R1_001 90.9% 40% 218 bp 0.0
WSH233_S197_L001_R2_001 82.6% 42% 222 bp 0.0
WSH234_S204_L001_R1_001 94.9% 48% 239 bp 0.0
WSH234_S204_L001_R2_001 90.5% 48% 242 bp 0.0
WSH235_S211_L001_R1_001 94.3% 41% 221 bp 0.0
WSH235_S211_L001_R2_001 87.2% 41% 227 bp 0.0
WSH236_S218_L001_R1_001 90.8% 41% 223 bp 0.0
WSH236_S218_L001_R2_001 79.5% 43% 228 bp 0.0
WSH237_S225_L001_R1_001 95.3% 39% 210 bp 0.0
WSH237_S225_L001_R2_001 90.8% 40% 216 bp 0.0
WSH238_S232_L001_R1_001 94.3% 41% 218 bp 0.0
WSH238_S232_L001_R2_001 88.3% 41% 223 bp 0.0
WSH239_S239_L001_R1_001 93.7% 39% 214 bp 0.0
WSH239_S239_L001_R2_001 89.7% 40% 220 bp 0.0
WSH240_S246_L001_R1_001 92.5% 41% 218 bp 0.0
WSH240_S246_L001_R2_001 84.8% 41% 222 bp 0.0
WSH241_S198_L001_R1_001 93.0% 40% 223 bp 0.0
WSH241_S198_L001_R2_001 84.9% 40% 232 bp 0.0
WSH242_S205_L001_R1_001 89.6% 41% 232 bp 0.0
WSH242_S205_L001_R2_001 83.6% 41% 236 bp 0.0
WSH243_S212_L001_R1_001 93.2% 40% 217 bp 0.0
WSH243_S212_L001_R2_001 87.3% 40% 223 bp 0.0
WSH244_S219_L001_R1_001 92.4% 40% 217 bp 0.0
WSH244_S219_L001_R2_001 84.5% 41% 224 bp 0.0
WSH245_S226_L001_R1_001 88.6% 42% 235 bp 0.0
WSH245_S226_L001_R2_001 78.6% 43% 240 bp 0.0
WSH246_S233_L001_R1_001 91.4% 40% 217 bp 0.0
WSH246_S233_L001_R2_001 84.3% 41% 222 bp 0.0
WSH247_S240_L001_R1_001 93.0% 42% 227 bp 0.0
WSH247_S240_L001_R2_001 88.6% 43% 232 bp 0.0
WSH248_S247_L001_R1_001 90.4% 41% 216 bp 0.0
WSH248_S247_L001_R2_001 82.1% 41% 220 bp 0.0
WSH249_S199_L001_R1_001 91.1% 41% 211 bp 0.0
WSH249_S199_L001_R2_001 84.3% 42% 215 bp 0.0
WSH250_S206_L001_R1_001 93.0% 39% 216 bp 0.0
WSH250_S206_L001_R2_001 88.3% 40% 221 bp 0.0
WSH251_S213_L001_R1_001 92.1% 41% 223 bp 0.0
WSH251_S213_L001_R2_001 85.6% 41% 228 bp 0.0
WSH252_S220_L001_R1_001 91.8% 41% 226 bp 0.0
WSH252_S220_L001_R2_001 82.6% 41% 231 bp 0.0
WSH253_S227_L001_R1_001 95.9% 45% 222 bp 0.0
WSH253_S227_L001_R2_001 92.7% 45% 227 bp 0.0
WSH254_S234_L001_R1_001 95.4% 45% 223 bp 0.0
WSH254_S234_L001_R2_001 92.5% 45% 227 bp 0.0
WSH255_S241_L001_R1_001 91.9% 40% 218 bp 0.0
WSH255_S241_L001_R2_001 86.0% 41% 223 bp 0.0
WSH256_S248_L001_R1_001 95.0% 40% 208 bp 0.0
WSH256_S248_L001_R2_001 91.7% 40% 213 bp 0.0

Sequence counts

“Only sequences which first appear in the first 100,000 sequences in each file are analysed. This should be enough to get a good impression for the duplication levels in the whole file. Each sequence is tracked to the end of the file to give a representative count of the overall duplication level.”

Sequence quality

This statistic is what QIIME2 parameters will be based off of. Blue lines are reverse reads and red lines are forward reads.

Per Sequence Quality Scores

Per Base Sequence Content

This plot is more helpful in the interactive version of the multiqc report.

Per Sequence GC Content

Per Base N Content

Sequence Length Distribution

Sequence Duplication Levels

Overrepresented sequences

Adapter Content

Status Checks

Create metadata files

Metadata files created in both terminal and in an R script.

Make a new directory for the metadata files:

$ cd ../../data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S  
$ mkdir metadata

1. Sample manifest file

QIIME2 2021.4 requires a sample manifest file (csv) like the one made in this analysis pipeline and the option PairedEndFastqManifestPhred33. QIIME2 2021.8 version requires a sample manifest file (txt) like the one made in the following steps and the option PairedEndFastqManifestPhred33V2. The new version of QIIME2 requires a column for the absolute path for the forward sequence file and another column for the absolute path for the reverse sequence file.

Create a list of the raw_data file names:

$ cd ../../data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S
$ find raw_data -type f -print | sed 's_/_,_g' > metadata/filelist.csv

In a separate terminal window, outside of andromeda, copy this file to your computer to then work with in the above R script:

$ scp emma_strand@bluewaves.uri.edu:/data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/metadata/filelist.csv /Users/emmastrand/MyProjects/HI_Bleaching_Timeseries/data/16S/metadata/

Run the 1. Sample manifest file section in 16S_metadata.R file and then return to the following steps.

Secure copy paste the sample manifest file in a terminal window outside of andromeda.

$ scp /Users/emmastrand/MyProjects/HI_Bleaching_Timeseries/data/16S/metadata/sample_manifest.txt emma_strand@bluewaves.uri.edu:/data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/metadata

2. Sample metadata file

Run the 2. Sample metadata file section in 16S_metadata.R file and then return to the following steps.

Secure copy paste the metadata file in a terminal window outside of andromeda.

$ scp /Users/emmastrand/MyProjects/HI_Bleaching_Timeseries/data/16S/metadata/metadata.txt emma_strand@bluewaves.uri.edu:/data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/metadata


More detailed information on each step can be found in this notebook post (16S pipeline notes from Holobiont Integration Hawaii project).

1. Sample input

Create script for importing data into QIIME2. Make sure the conda environment created above is activated.

$ cd ../../data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/scripts
$ nano import.sh

## copy and paste below script

#SBATCH -t 24:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --export=NONE
#SBATCH --mem=100GB
#SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL #email you when job starts, stops and/or fails
#SBATCH --mail-user=emma_strand@uri.edu #your email to send notifications
#SBATCH --account=putnamlab                  
#SBATCH --error="script_error" #if your job fails, the error report will be put in this file
#SBATCH --output="output_script" #once your job is completed, any final job report comments will be put in this file

source /usr/share/Modules/init/sh # load the module function
module load QIIME2/2021.8

# File path -- change this to correspond to what script you are running
cd /data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/

# Metadata path

# Sample manifest path


qiime tools import \
  --type 'SampleData[PairedEndSequencesWithQuality]' \
  --input-path $MANIFEST \
  --input-format PairedEndFastqManifestPhred33V2 \
  --output-path KBay16S-paired-end-sequences.qza

2. QIIME2 denoising

Create a script for denosing and clustering. Prerequisites to running this script: run import.sh, activate conda environment, decide on denosing parameters, and load all metadata files to andromeda folders.

Based on sequence quality scores and the below image:

Parameters chosen:

  • --p-trunc-len-f: 19 (forward is 19 bp long)
  • --p-trunc-len-r: 20 (reverse is 20 bp long)
  • p-trim-left-f: try 260, 270, and 280
  • p-trim-left-r: try 230, 240

Make a processed data folder for the output of denoising: $ mkdir processed_data.

forward 260, reverse 230 (most conservative)

Make an output folder for this script: $ mkdir denoise_260230.

$ cd ../../data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/scripts
$ nano denoise_260230.sh

## copy and paste the below into that script

#SBATCH -t 24:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --export=NONE
#SBATCH --mem=100GB
#SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL #email you when job starts, stops and/or fails
#SBATCH --mail-user=emma_strand@uri.edu #your email to send notifications
#SBATCH --account=putnamlab                  
#SBATCH --error="script_error" #if your job fails, the error report will be put in this file
#SBATCH --output="output_script" #once your job is completed, any final job report comments will be put in this file

source /usr/share/Modules/init/sh # load the module function
module load QIIME2/2021.8

# File path -- change this to correspond to what script you are running
cd /data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/processed_data/denoise_260230

# Metadata path

# Sample manifest path


qiime dada2 denoise-paired --verbose --i-demultiplexed-seqs ../../KBay16S-paired-end-sequences.qza \
  --p-trunc-len-r 230 --p-trunc-len-f 260 \
  --p-trim-left-r 20 --p-trim-left-f 19 \
  --o-table table_260230.qza \
  --o-representative-sequences rep-seqs_260230.qza \
  --o-denoising-stats denoising-stats_260230.qza \
  --p-n-threads 20


# Summarize feature table and sequences
qiime metadata tabulate \
  --m-input-file denoising-stats_260230.qza \
  --o-visualization denoising-stats_260230.qzv
qiime feature-table summarize \
  --i-table table_260230.qza \
  --o-visualization table_260230.qzv \
  --m-sample-metadata-file $METADATA
qiime feature-table tabulate-seqs \
  --i-data rep-seqs_260230.qza \
  --o-visualization rep-seqs_260230.qzv

forward 270, reverse 240 (middle)

Make an output folder for this script: $ mkdir denoise_270240.

$ cd ../../data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/scripts
$ nano denoise_270240.sh

## copy and paste the below into that script

#SBATCH -t 24:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --export=NONE
#SBATCH --mem=100GB
#SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL #email you when job starts, stops and/or fails
#SBATCH --mail-user=emma_strand@uri.edu #your email to send notifications
#SBATCH --account=putnamlab                  
#SBATCH --error="script_error_270240" #if your job fails, the error report will be put in this file
#SBATCH --output="output_script_270240" #once your job is completed, any final job report comments will be put in this file

source /usr/share/Modules/init/sh # load the module function
module load QIIME2/2021.8

# File path -- change this to correspond to what script you are running
cd /data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/processed_data/denoise_270240

# Metadata path

# Sample manifest path


qiime dada2 denoise-paired --verbose --i-demultiplexed-seqs ../../KBay16S-paired-end-sequences.qza \
  --p-trunc-len-r 240 --p-trunc-len-f 270 \
  --p-trim-left-r 20 --p-trim-left-f 19 \
  --o-table table_270240.qza \
  --o-representative-sequences rep-seqs_270240.qza \
  --o-denoising-stats denoising-stats_270240.qza \
  --p-n-threads 20


# Summarize feature table and sequences
qiime metadata tabulate \
  --m-input-file denoising-stats_270240.qza \
  --o-visualization denoising-stats_270240.qzv
qiime feature-table summarize \
  --i-table table_270240.qza \
  --o-visualization table_270240.qzv \
  --m-sample-metadata-file $METADATA
qiime feature-table tabulate-seqs \
  --i-data rep-seqs_270240.qza \
  --o-visualization rep-seqs_270240.qzv

forward 280, reverse 240 (least conservative)

Make an output folder for this script: $ mkdir denoise_280240.

$ cd ../../data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/scripts
$ nano denoise_280240.sh

## copy and paste the below into that script

#SBATCH -t 24:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --export=NONE
#SBATCH --mem=100GB
#SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL #email you when job starts, stops and/or fails
#SBATCH --mail-user=emma_strand@uri.edu #your email to send notifications
#SBATCH --account=putnamlab                  
#SBATCH --error="script_error_280240" #if your job fails, the error report will be put in this file
#SBATCH --output="output_script_280240" #once your job is completed, any final job report comments will be put in this file

source /usr/share/Modules/init/sh # load the module function
module load QIIME2/2021.8

# File path -- change this to correspond to what script you are running
cd /data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/processed_data/denoise_280240

# Metadata path

# Sample manifest path


qiime dada2 denoise-paired --verbose --i-demultiplexed-seqs ../../KBay16S-paired-end-sequences.qza \
  --p-trunc-len-r 240 --p-trunc-len-f 280 \
  --p-trim-left-r 20 --p-trim-left-f 19 \
  --o-table table_280240.qza \
  --o-representative-sequences rep-seqs_280240.qza \
  --o-denoising-stats denoising-stats_280240.qza \
  --p-n-threads 20


# Summarize feature table and sequences
qiime metadata tabulate \
  --m-input-file denoising-stats_280240.qza \
  --o-visualization denoising-stats_280240.qzv
qiime feature-table summarize \
  --i-table table_280240.qza \
  --o-visualization table_280240.qzv \
  --m-sample-metadata-file $METADATA
qiime feature-table tabulate-seqs \
  --i-data rep-seqs_280240.qza \
  --o-visualization rep-seqs_280240.qzv

Denoising statistics

In a separate terminal outside of andromeda, copy paste all three outputs (denoising-stats_######.qzv) to own computer to work with in R.

$ scp emma_strand@bluewaves.uri.edu:/data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/processed_data/denoise_260230/denoising-stats_260230.qzv /Users/emmastrand/MyProjects/HI_Bleaching_Timeseries/data/16S/processed_data/

$ scp emma_strand@bluewaves.uri.edu:/data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/processed_data/denoise_270240/denoising-stats_270240.qzv /Users/emmastrand/MyProjects/HI_Bleaching_Timeseries/data/16S/processed_data/

$ scp emma_strand@bluewaves.uri.edu:/data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/processed_data/denoise_280240/denoising-stats_280240.qzv /Users/emmastrand/MyProjects/HI_Bleaching_Timeseries/data/16S/processed_data/

Open qiime2 view and drop in the first file you want to view. Click ‘Download metadata TSV file’ and save that file to ‘~/MyProjects/HI_Bleaching_Timeseries/data/16S/processed_data’ folder.

Run the denoising stats portion of the ‘16S_metadata.R’ script and then return to the following steps below.

Number of reads that passed each denoising step:

Percentage of reads that passed each denoising stage:

Based on the above, I will choose to move forward with the most conservative (highest quality; forward 260; reverse 230) set of parameters because they also produced the highest number of reads and percentage of reads passing denoising steps.

3. QIIME2 taxonomic identification

Download the database file to the metadata folder on andromeda. We chose the Silva 138 99% OTUs from 515F/806R region of sequences (MD5: e05afad0fe87542704be96ff483824d4) as the classifier because we used 515F and 806RB primers for our sequences and QIIME2 recommends the classify-sklearn classifier trainer.

$ cd /data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/metadata

## Silva 138 99% OTUs from 515F/806R region of sequences
$ wget https://data.qiime2.org/2021.4/common/silva-138-99-515-806-nb-classifier.qza
## Silva 138 99% OTUs full-length sequences
$ wget https://data.qiime2.org/2021.11/common/silva-138-99-nb-classifier.qza  

## Silva 138 SSURef NR99 full-length taxonomy
$ wget https://data.qiime2.org/2021.11/common/silva-138-99-tax.qza  
## Silva 138 SSURef NR99 full-length sequences
$ wget https://data.qiime2.org/2021.11/common/silva-138-99-seqs.qza

We ran scripts with different databases and classifiers

2 classifier options: classify-sklearn and q2-feature-classifier.

*Left off right before creating separate script for q2 classifier. Keep looking into the difference between the sequence and taxonomy files vs the classifier file. Can also train classifier on own set of data.**

Create two folders for the taxonomic output.

$ mkdir filtered_taxonomy
$ mkdir unfiltered_taxonomy

Create script to run the taxonomic identification with the above database. One section filters the taxonomic identification table to remove chloroplast, eukaryota, and unassigned sequences. The other sections remains unfiltered so we can compare pre- and post- filtering.

$ cd ../../data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/scripts
$ nano taxonomy.sh

## copy and paste below script

#SBATCH -t 24:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --export=NONE
#SBATCH --mem=100GB
#SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL #email you when job starts, stops and/or fails
#SBATCH --mail-user=emma_strand@uri.edu #your email to send notifications
#SBATCH --account=putnamlab                  
#SBATCH --error="script_error_taxonomy" #if your job fails, the error report will be put in this file
#SBATCH --output="output_script_taxonomy" #once your job is completed, any final job report comments will be put in this file

source /usr/share/Modules/init/sh # load the module function
module load QIIME2/2021.8

# File path -- change this to correspond to what script you are running
cd /data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/processed_data

# Metadata path

# Sample manifest path



qiime feature-classifier classify-sklearn \
  --i-classifier ../metadata/silva-138-99-515-806-nb-classifier.qza \
  --i-reads denoise_260230/rep-seqs_260230.qza \
  --o-classification taxonomy_260230.qza


qiime metadata tabulate \
    --m-input-file taxonomy_260230.qza \
    --o-visualization taxonomy_260230.qzv
qiime taxa barplot \
    --i-table denoise_260230/table_260230.qza \
    --i-taxonomy taxonomy_260230.qza \
    --m-metadata-file $METADATA \
    --o-visualization unfiltered_taxonomy/taxa-bar-plots-unfiltered.qzv
qiime metadata tabulate \
    --m-input-file denoise_260230/rep-seqs_260230.qza \
    --m-input-file taxonomy_260230.qza \
    --o-visualization unfiltered_taxonomy/tabulated-feature-metadata.qzv

qiime taxa filter-table \
     --i-table denoise_260230/table_260230.qza \
     --i-taxonomy taxonomy_260230.qza \
     --p-mode contains \
     --p-exclude "Unassigned","Chloroplast","Eukaryota" \
     --o-filtered-table filtered_taxonomy/table-filtered_260230.qza

qiime metadata tabulate \
    --m-input-file taxonomy_260230.qza \
    --o-visualization taxonomy_260230.qzv
qiime taxa barplot \
    --i-table filtered_taxonomy/table-filtered_260230.qza \
    --i-taxonomy taxonomy_260230.qza \
    --m-metadata-file $METADATA \
    --o-visualization filtered_taxonomy/taxa-bar-plots-filtered.qzv
qiime metadata tabulate \
    --m-input-file denoise_260230/rep-seqs_260230.qza \
    --m-input-file taxonomy_260230.qza \
    --o-visualization filtered_taxonomy/tabulated-feature-metadata.qzv

Secure copy paste these output files to github repo and computer to view in QIIME2 view.

# unfiltered
$ scp emma_strand@bluewaves.uri.edu:/data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/processed_data/unfiltered_taxonomy/taxa-bar-plots-unfiltered.qzv /Users/emmastrand/MyProjects/HI_Bleaching_Timeseries/data/16S/processed_data/

# filtered
$ scp emma_strand@bluewaves.uri.edu:/data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/processed_data/filtered_taxonomy/taxa-bar-plots-filtered.qzv /Users/emmastrand/MyProjects/HI_Bleaching_Timeseries/data/16S/processed_data/

Example of what the taxa bar plot file looks like in qiime2 view on level 4 classification:



We see the same issue of unidentified bacteria in M. capitata.

4. QIIME2 phylogentic tree construction

To be done later.

5. QIIME2 diversity calculation

To be done later.


  1. In FASTQC - Quality Control section, the fastqc.sh script: I originally had the -D path as the raw data path but that is a protected folder that is not edit-able. I changed this to the BleachingPairs_16S folder within my own personal folder so that the ‘output_script’ and ‘script_error’ can be created.
  2. The fastqc.sh script was not running because of this error: zsh: no matches found: ../../data/putnamlab/shared/ES_BP_16S/*fastq.gz. To fix this I copied the raw data files to a new folder in my own user and took out the following lines: # SBATCH -D data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S and all ../../ in front of the data path files.
  3. I had several issues with the path formats within the fastqc.sh file - for the future follow exactly as the script above. cd to the folder you’re working in and then include the relative path in this script.
  4. Double check all paths and the correct “../../” is added where needed and taken out where not.


Making metadata files in R

## Creating metadata files for 16S pipeline
## Emma Strand created 1/7/2022


## 1. Sample manifest file
## filelist.csv created during pipeline in andromeda and scp to desktop to work with in R

file_names <- read.csv("~/MyProjects/HI_Bleaching_Timeseries/data/16S/metadata/filelist.csv", header = FALSE) %>%
  select(V2) %>% ## reading in filelist as dataframe and only the second column
  dplyr::rename(`absolute-filepath` = V2) # renaming to match the verbiage of qiime2

sample_manifest <- file_names # creating a new df based on the original file_names df
sample_manifest$path <- "/data/putnamlab/estrand/BleachingPairs_16S/raw_data/" #adding the absolute file path

sample_manifest <- sample_manifest %>% unite(`absolute-filepath`, path, `absolute-filepath`, sep = "") %>% # merging the two columns to complete the file path
  mutate(direction = case_when(grepl("R1", `absolute-filepath`) ~ "forward",
                               grepl("R2", `absolute-filepath`) ~ "reverse")) # creating a new column to state whether forward or reverse based on the R value in the sequence title name

sample_manifest$`sample-id` <- substr(sample_manifest$`absolute-filepath`, 53, 58) # creating a new column based on the sample id value

sample_manifest <- sample_manifest[, c(3, 1, 2)] # reordering the columns

sample_manifest <- sample_manifest %>% spread(direction, `absolute-filepath`) %>%
  dplyr::rename(`forward-absolute-filepath` = forward) %>%
  dplyr::rename(`reverse-absolute-filepath` = reverse)

write.table(sample_manifest, "~/MyProjects/HI_Bleaching_Timeseries/data/16S/metadata/sample_manifest.txt", sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

## return to terminal to secure copy paste the sample manifest file to bluewaves/andromeda folders

## 2. Sample metadata file
## sequencing ID and colonyID info downloaded from this google sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lLvCp-RoRiBSGZ4NBPwi6cmZuozmfS20OJ7hBIueldU/edit#gid=0
collection.summary <- read.csv("~/MyProjects/HI_Bleaching_Timeseries/data/CollectionSummary.csv", header = TRUE) %>%
  select(-Biopsy., -Fragment.) %>% # removing 2 columns that are not needed for this metadata sheet
  dplyr::rename(Timepoint = Date)
collection.summary$Timepoint <- as.Date(collection.summary$Timepoint, format="%m/%d/%y")

sequencing.id <- read.csv("~/MyProjects/HI_Bleaching_Timeseries/data/16S/metadata/16S_sequencingID.csv", header = TRUE) %>%
  subset(Project == "ES_BP" & Type == "16S") %>% # selecting for just this 16S project's data and excluding Ariana and Kevin's
  dplyr::rename(ColonyID = Coral.ID) %>%
  select(Sample.ID, ColonyID, Timepoint) %>%
  mutate(Timepoint = case_when(
    Timepoint == "2019-07-20" ~ "2019-07-19",
    Timepoint == "2019-12-04" ~ "2019-12-04"))

sequencing.id$ColonyID <- sub(".","", sequencing.id$ColonyID)
sequencing.id$ColonyID <- sub(".","", sequencing.id$ColonyID) # do this twice to get rid of both the M and "-" symbol

collection.summary <- collection.summary %>% unite(Group, ColonyID, Timepoint, sep = " ")
sequencing.id <- sequencing.id %>% unite(Group, ColonyID, Timepoint, sep = " ")

metadata <- full_join(collection.summary, sequencing.id, by = "Group") %>% na.omit() %>%
  separate(Group, c("ColonyID", "Year", "Month", "Day")) %>%
  unite(Timepoint, Year, Month, sep = "-") %>% unite(Timepoint, Timepoint, Day, sep = "-")

metadata <- metadata %>% rename(`#SampleID` = Sample.ID)

metadata <- metadata[, c(7,1,2,3,4,5,6)] # reordering the columns

categories <- c("#q2:types", "categorical", "categorical", "categorical", "categorical",
                "categorical", "categorical") # QIIME2 needs each column to be specified

metadata <- rbind(metadata, categories)
metadata <- metadata[c(41,1:40),]

write.table(metadata, "~/MyProjects/HI_Bleaching_Timeseries/data/16S/metadata/metadata.txt", sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

# Denoising statistics
## comparing 3 options for denoising parameters

denoise_260230 <- read.table("~/MyProjects/HI_Bleaching_Timeseries/data/16S/processed_data/denoising-stats_260230.tsv", sep="\t", header = TRUE)
denoise_270240 <- read.table("~/MyProjects/HI_Bleaching_Timeseries/data/16S/processed_data/denoising-stats_270240.tsv", sep="\t", header = TRUE)
denoise_280240 <- read.table("~/MyProjects/HI_Bleaching_Timeseries/data/16S/processed_data/denoising-stats_280240.tsv", sep="\t", header = TRUE)

denoise_260230$parameter <- "260forward_230reverse"
denoise_270240$parameter <- "270forward_240reverse"
denoise_280240$parameter <- "280forward_240reverse"

denoising.stats <- union(denoise_260230, denoise_270240) %>% union(denoise_280240)

denoise.reads <- denoising.stats[, c(1,2,3,5,6,8,10)] # reordering columns to make it easier to plot
denoise.percent <- denoising.stats[, c(1,4,7,9,10)] # reordering columns to make it easier to plot

denoise.reads <- denoise.reads %>% gather(statistic, value, 2:6) # aggregates the three variables we are interested in to make it easier to plot
denoise.percent <- denoise.percent %>% gather(statistic, value, 2:4) # aggregates the three variables we are interested in to make it easier to plot

denoise.reads$statistic <- factor(denoise.reads$statistic, levels=c("input","filtered","denoised","merged","non.chimeric"))
denoise.percent$statistic <- factor(denoise.percent$statistic, levels=c("percentage.of.input.passed.filter", "percentage.of.input.merged",

percent <- ggplot(data = denoise.percent, aes(x = parameter, y = value, group = parameter, color = parameter)) +
  theme_classic() + geom_boxplot() +
  facet_grid(~statistic, scales = "free") +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  ylab("# reads") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 60, vjust = 1.2, hjust = 1.3)); denoise.plot #Set the text angle

reads <- ggplot(data = denoise.reads, aes(x = parameter, y = value, group = parameter, color = parameter)) +
  theme_classic() + geom_boxplot() +
  facet_grid(~statistic, scales = "free") +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  ylab("# reads") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 60, vjust = 1.2, hjust = 1.3)); denoise.plot #Set the text angle


ggsave(file="~/MyProjects/HI_Bleaching_Timeseries/data/16S/processed_data/denoising-percent.png", percent, width = 11, height = 6, units = c("in"))
ggsave(file="~/MyProjects/HI_Bleaching_Timeseries/data/16S/processed_data/denoising-reads.png", reads, width = 11, height = 6, units = c("in"))
Written on January 7, 2022