E5 Timepoint 1, 2, 3, and 4 Instantaneous Calcification Sample Processing (Samples Collected in 2020)

Processing the E5 January, March, September, and November 2020 Instantaneous Calcification Samples

Original E5 processing post from D. Becker and March sample processing included here.

Putnam Lab Titration protocol here.

Kristen, Pierrick, and Emma will do the physical titrations according to the schedule above. Emma will do all steps in Titration Data Entry Process and analyze data after Kristen and Pierrick push to github.

The average # of runs per day was between 3-4 if the CRM and ph calibration were started first thing in the morning. Having multiple people to process was helpful to run a large # of runs per day (i.e. person 1 starts the run and person 2 switches the run over).

Daily log for notes about each step: google document link. Path is 201906_Post_Award > URI_Titrations > “E5 January, March, September, and November 2020 Instantaneous Calcification Samples Notes”.


Folders and file formats for this project

Path on desktop computer: Data > E5_Titrations > E5_2020_Calcification_Samples.

Each day make a new folder with the date YEAR-MONTH-DAY (i.e. 20220303).

Each CRM and sample run will have their own mass file instead of overriding the previous one.
Before running the R script, rename these files:

  • rename the LabX output file to match this format: 20220308_Run1_PutnamTitrations_PutnamLab (If CRM run, replace Run1 with “CRM”)
  • Mass files should reflect this format: Mass_CRM_20220308 (If a sample run, replace CRM with “Run #”)

After running the R script, rename these files:

  • rename the TA Output file to match this format: TA_Output_20220308_Run1_PutnamTitrations_PutnamLab (If CRM run, replace Run1 with “CRM”)

Notation for sample ID

Match this example sample ID format:

  • Colony-ID_DATE_RUN#
  • ACR-225_20200914_7
  • Initial1_20200915_10
  • BK-1_20200912_2
  • JUNK 1
  • CRM 1

CRM Information

March 3, 2022 - current:

  • Batch 180 Salinity: 33.623
  • Batch 180 TA value: 2224.47

Acid information

March 3, 2022 - current: Batch A22

Switched bottle: 20220324 (From Batch A22 to new Batch A22 bottle no. 54)

Salinity for 50 mL falcon tubes

Measure the salinity of the 50 mL falcon tubes prior to pouring the sample out into the titration cup. Thoroughly wipe the probe with a kim wipe in between samples and DI water so we don’t introduce any new liquid into the sample. Pour the entire sample into the titration cup and place the used 50 mL falcon in the same bin we are putting the processed brown bottle samples (in the walk in 4C cold room).

On the sample sheet, please mark down if the sample came from a 50 mL tube in the last column (mark yes or no).

Room temperature samples

Before starting the pH calibration, take samples out of the fridge so that they come down to room temperature by the time the run starts. We want to be measuring salinity and titration runs at room temperature.

Issues/Questions to Address

Open Issues

Issue: Salinity readings at CSUN vs URI (36 range vs 40 psu range..). Test batch effect. Calibrated with 50 mS/cm solution and then the probe was reading at ~55 when measuring the same solution post-calibration. Calibrated to two point 12.9 mS/cm and 1413 uS/cm and the probe was reading 36-37 psu range. Closer to what was run at CSUN.
Resolution: We got our salinity values down to ~38 when re-measuring but even at room temperature these are still our average values. I think this has to do with our calibration solution or our probe.. Samples from January TP1 with high salinity but was 50 mL falcon tube: POR-70. Salinity values at URI are 2 units higher b/c the probe was reading 2 units higher than it should be. Correct for this in our data but not CSUN’s.

  1. Replace URI’s salinity values with average salinity of CSUN (36.164)
  2. Replace with that run’s “correct” salinity value (under 37) for Run 1, 2, and 3. This doesn’t solve other timepoint’s issue though.

Issue: 50 mL empty falcon tube bottles once done are sitting in the completed bin.
Resolution: Figure out the waste protocol for these bottles since they had mercuric chloride in them. Wait until processing is done to get rid of them. More of a reminder than an active issue.

Issue: In script, where does the umol.cm2.hr calc come from? (deltaTA/2)(1.023)((vol.L1000)/surface.area.cm2)(1/timediff)(1/1000). And where does the 36 coefficient for normalizing TA come from?
: Find the paper source and/or make a note of this in the script or in the paper.

Salinity issue

  1. Are there any samples that were done at both URI and CSUN?

TA.norm = TA * Salinity/36

Initial 1 Run 3

  • TA: 2347.879
  • Salinity lab: 36.25
  • TA.norm: 2364.184

Putnam Lab:

  • TA: 2337.256
  • Salinity lab: 38.02
  • TA.norm: 2468.402
  1. Are there any runs that have samples split between URI and CSUN?

Run 1 = 1 coral done at CSUN; the rest of the run done at URI Run 2 = all URI
Run 3 = 2 done at CSUN; the rest of the run done at URI

CSUN consistently below URI: ~36.35 psu and URI is ~37.5-38.5 psu.

Average for all CSUN samples = 36.164 psu


  1. We could use average CSUN value for all samples.
  2. Some URI samples are in the 36 range and I’d like to keep those.. So if any URI value is above a threshold (37.5?) we could replace that value with the average CSUN value or -1.5 psu from that value.
  3. Would only work for September time point (bc the other 3 are only URI): Run 1 and 3 have CSUN values, we could replace URI salinity values with the CSUN salinity value for that run.


  • effect of environment of chamber (Jan - none but no pH values, March - none, Sept- pH)
  • blanks and initial variation - some blanks have very low volume value (that isn’t realistic)
  • Differences in run #s
  • Salinity probe reading 2 units higher - correct for this in our data but not CSUN’s

January 2020 TP1:

  • Run 1-4 initials and blanks are wonky, same with Run 8 and 9
  • POC-248, POR-83 titration “NOT OK” from LabX output. Values seem to be OK though.
  • Environmental data: pH of chamber missing
  • 2 blanks for Run 5 - 2 bottles run. I kept the first blank from deltaTA and that titration bottle (kept from 20200318 Run 2 not Run 1)
  • BK-2 lost water during volume measurement - 575 mL isn’t correct so I replaced 575 with 610 mL b/c chamber 1 was used again in later run for a blank so that is the empty volume for that chamber.
  • ACR 224 is bonus coral that doesn’t exist anywhere else

March 2020 TP2:

  • Only 1 initial for Run 11
  • No mismatches in data df
  • Runs 10-13 were much higher

September 2020 TP3:

  • Blank 3 and Blank 4 are both from chamber 10 but have different volumes – this shouldn’t be the case
  • The only missing samples: Initial1_20200909_1 and POR-240_20200913_5.
  • There are 2 Initial1_20200912_3 bottles/TA values (one bottle at URI but two TA values - one done at URI and one done in CA). Could one of these be for Run 4 on the same day?
  • Initial environmental measurements (temp, pH, salinity) missing run 3 and on.
  • Run 4 missing both both initial bottles.
  • Run 1-3 high blanks and initial values

November 2020 TP4:

  • Initial 2 from Run 2 taken out b/c way lower than expected

List for Danielle to bring back from Mo’orea Spring 2022

  • September 2020: Run 4 BK-4 : DANIELLE FOUND
  • September 2020: Run 4 Initial 1 and 2
  • September 2020: POR-240 Run 5 20200913 : DANIELLE FOUND

Closed Issues

Issue: We are currently copy and pasting into Timepoint#_TA_Data in urol timeseries repo.
Resolution: Emma created a new script for calc rates that pulls in raw files.

Issue: Do we use chamber temperature, salinity, and pH? Check with Hollie and Nyssa.
Resolution: In R script, we can look at TA as a function of these values to see if we need to correct for anything.

Issue: All September bottles have been processed but there are several blank and initials that we do not have accounted for. Cross reference again with those bottles done at CSUN and in-field notes.
Resolution: Ariana and Emma are currently chatting about the best way to go about this. Some bottles spilled in transport but we don’t think these are them. Turns out my code wasn’t pulling all the California bottles done. The only missing samples from September are and Initial1_20200909_1 and POR-240_20200913_5. There are 2 Initial1_20200912_3 bottles/TA values (one bottle at URI but two TA values - one done at URI and one done in CA).

Issue: Sample notation was not consistent for the first couple of rounds.
Resolution: Changed initial notation format on 0303 in the E5 timeseries folder and changed to all correct format on the titrator computer.

Issue: volumes missing from delta TA sheet.
Resolution: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1Z7Gxiqo8QbnP4AMpgxmgq0wDNJ-qWmBW. extract volumes here and put in delta TA.

Issue: Address variation in initials and blanks.
Resolution: Cross comparison between initial 1 and 2, across days to see variation, and the same for the blanks. More of a reminder to do than an active issue (unless there is larger variation than expected).

Issue: TP1 - January surface area is 30 for every chamber.
Resolution: pull in real surface area for this.

Issue: 50 mL falcon tubes for some samples for January 2020 and November 2020 time points instead of larger bottles.
Resolution: Hollie says it doesn’t matter we can run these at whatever mass we can get - run this by Ariana and Danielle in meeting. Will add a column to keep track of which samples were in a 50 mL and we can see if there is a batch effect. For these samples, we will need to calculate salinity prior to measuring mass and putting samples in rondolino.

Issue: 20220314 titration run - ACR-246 and Initial 2 may be mixed up in the rondolino (mass and salinities are correct, just position in titrator). Almost positive I fixed it but double check TA values at the end to make sure these make sense.
Resolution: Emma looked and samples were correct and fixed.

Weekly Schedule

Emma will sign the Putnam lab up for the appropriate time slots at the beginning of the week on the PPP team up calendar. Titrations google sheet schedule.

Week of 3/7 - 3/11

  Monday 3/7 Tuesday 3/8 Wednesday 3/9 Thursday 3/10 Friday 3/11
Personnel   Emma starts (~9 am); Kristen finishes (12:15-3:15p) Kristen starts (~9a-1p); Emma finishes (whenever Run2 is done) Emma starts (~9 am-12p); Megan ends (12:15p - end) Amy
E5 sample runs 0 2 2 2 0
Notes     2 E5 runs; 1 blue tank run Emma does pH cal, CRM run, 1 E5 round; Megan (Puritz lab) runs 1-2 sample runs Puritz Lab
# of runs Samples done this week
6 48

Week of 3/14 - 3/18

  Monday 3/14 Tuesday 3/15 Wednesday 3/16 Tuesday 3/1 Friday 3/18
Personnel Emma and Pierrick together all day Puritz Lab No one - power out Emma and Kristen Pierrick, Emma, Hollie
E5 sample runs 3 0 0 4 3
Notes Kristen out M-W for spring break        
# of runs Samples done this week
10 80

Week of 3/21 - 3/25

  Monday 3/21 Tuesday 3/22 Wednesday 3/23 Thursday 3/24 Friday 3/25
Personnel Pierrick and Emma Emma starts (~8 am); Kristen finishes (12:15-3:15p) Kristen starts (~9a-1p); Emma finishes (whenever Run2 is done) Puritz lab all day Pierrick all day
E5 sample runs 3 4 3 0 2
# of runs Samples done this week
12 96

Week of 3/28 - 4/1

  Monday 3/28 Tuesday 3/29 Wednesday 3/30 Thursday 3/31 Friday 4/1
Personnel   Kristen (12:15-3:15p) Kristen (~9a-1p) Kristen afternoon Puritz lab all day
E5 sample runs 0 1 1 1 0
# of runs Samples done this week
3 24

Week of 4/4 - 4/8

  Monday 4/4 Tuesday 4/5 Wednesday 4/6 Thursday 4/7 Friday 4/8
Personnel Emma Emma and Kristen Emma Emma Puritz all day
E5 sample runs 3 3 4 3 0
Notes     Kristen out Kristen out  


# of runs Samples done this week
13 104

September 2020, 51 samples to complete

20220303 Kristen and Emma (1 run = 8 samples)

CRM error: -0.11796%

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2535.93082 59.733 35
INITIAL1_20200912_3 2337.25626 60.379 40.34
INITIAL2_20200912_3 2348.79131 60.446 40.41
ACR-343_20200912_3 2333.80991 60.081 40.35
POR-340_20200912_3 2218.77808 59.626 40.16
POR-362_20200912_3 2265.81267 60.031 40.29
POR-381_20200912_3 2145.78802 59.934 40.3
POR-387_20200912_3 2295.43894 60.478 40.35
POR-373_20200912_3 2286.19554 60.173 40.26

20220308 Kristen and Emma (2 runs = 16 samples)

CRM error: -0.16%

Run 1:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2538.00404 59.725 35
POR-338_20200909_2 2286.2164 60.178 40.61
Initial1_20200909_2 2331.52126 60.177 40.34
POR-383_20200909_2 2258.89333 60.472 40.18
POR-354_20200912_3 2267.02905 59.979 39.94
POR-353_20200909_1 2303.53562 59.46 39.94
POR-341_20200909_2 2221.63388 59.672 40.38
BK-2_20200909_2 2314.59019 59.823 39.87
POC-391_20200912_3 2319.23502 60.119 39.73

Run 2:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2537.4245 60.207 35
Initial2_20200909_2 2349.06732 59.741 40.49
POC-359_20200909_1 2335.40506 59.578 40.52
POC-369_20200909_2 2286.28668 60.163 40.5
POC-378_20200909_2 2264.71636 59.926 40.63
POC-395_20200909_2 2315.40556 59.611 40.63
POR-349_20200909_2 2259.5831 60.468 40.66
POR-355_20200909_2 2269.82513 59.525 40.59
POR-384_20200909_2 2277.95517 60.238 40.7

20220309 Kristen and Emma (2 runs = 16 samples; 3 runs total for the day (1 blue tank run))

First E5 sample run was for September 2020 and the 2nd run was for January 2020 time point.

Run 1:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2486.92729 60.388 35
BK1_20200909_1 2344.78601 60.492 40.7
Initial2_20200909_1 2346.26208 60.095 40.71
POC-358_20200909_1 2300.88123 60.436 40.74
POC-372_20200909_1 2299.23341 60.256 40.77
POC-386_20200909_1 2266.33998 60.454 40.84
POR-357_20200909_1 2293.5182 59.981 40.75
POC-365_20200909_1 2228.51312 60.359 40.84
POC-367_20200909_1 2246.40924 60.109 40.98

January 2020, 146 samples to complete

20220309 Kristen and Emma (2 runs = 16 samples; 3 runs total for the day (1 blue tank run))

First E5 sample run was for September 2020 and the 2nd run was for January 2020 time point.

Run 2:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2483.8335 60.305 35
Initial2_20200107_8 2360.47591 59.997 40.96
POR-381_20200107_8 2306.57443 59.691 40.99
ACR-364_20200107_8 2341.16235 60.528 40.86
POC-373_20200107_8 2274.75422 60.144 40.72
POC-394_20200107_8 2349.66741 60.258 40.3
ACR-363_20200107_8 2326.21349 59.786 40.96
POR-357_20200107_8 2320.55603 60.547 40.81
Initial1_20200107_8 2354.24313 59.783 40.59

20220310 Emma (2 runs = 16 samples)

Run 1:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2489.40784 58.13 35
POC-391_20200107_8 2323.87908 59.986 41.93
POC-254_20200104_1 2336.21906 60.298 41.14
Initial1_20200104_1 2355.49784 59.705 41.32
BK-8_20200107_8 2366.69776 60.216 41.8
Initial2_20200104_1 2350.25702 60.648 41.76
Initial2_20200108_9 2343.9948 59.581 41.58
Initial1_20200108_9 2308.83694 59.802 41.48
ACR-368_20200107_8 2330.2108 60.478 41.49

Run 2:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2484.84902 59.981 35
ACR-267_20200104_2 2315.30616 59.511 41.47
ACR-228_20200104_2 2345.61169 60.255 41.27
POC-219_20200102_1 2321.50614 60.75 41.38
POR-214_20200104_1 2340.83917 59.614 40.93
ACR-256_20200104_2 2308.17129 59.637 41.42
POC-239_20200104_1 2332.69129 60.495 40.93
POR-242_20200104_1 2305.38159 59.97 40.31
POR-262_20200104_1 2204.22422 60.699 40.48

20200314 Emma and Pierrick (3 runs = 24 samples)

-0.13% CRM error

Run 1:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2275.1106 59.205 35
Initial2_20200105_3 2286.70311 59.923 41.15
BK-3_20200105_3 2355.50141 60.611 42.33
POC-238_20200105_3 2333.09919 60.404 40.61
ACR-234_20200105_3 2272.03283 59.905 40.82
Initial1_20200104_2 2334.63197 59.795 40.12
ACR-229_20200105_3 2257.26957 59.706 41.24
POC-255_20200104_2 2292.36053 59.436 38.42
POC-201_20200104_2 2333.90785 59.729 41.52

Run 2:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2274.50372 60.696 35
POC-205_20200105_4 2338.22994 59.888 41.54
ACR-246_20200105_4 2265.14352 60.031 41.17
POC-222_20200106_5 2319.27203 60.956 41.33
Initial2_20200105_4 2314.01441 59.993 41.62
Initial1_20200105_4 2356.00739 59.188 41.53
POC-200_20200105_3 2332.13855 60.718 41.42
POC-371_20200106_6 2329.36386 60.349 41.2
POR-209_20200105_3 2259.74708 60.426 40.63

Run 3:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2269.71589 59.584 35
POC-378_20200107_7 2300.71112 60.28 41.55
POR-383_20200107_7 2287.35238 60.604 41.3
POC-358_20200107_7 2320.07917 60.561 41.55
ACR-393_20200106_6 2333.50884 60.059 41.41
ACR-379_20200107_7 2330.53561 59.726 41.62
POR-260_20200106_5 2176.26568 60.658 41.55
POC-395_20200106_6 2308.54744 59.312 41.63
BK-4_20200105_4 2354.1675 59.679 41.82

20200317 Emma and Kristen (4 runs)

-0.06% error for CRMs

Run 1:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2109.01085 58.53 35
Initial2_20200104_2 2323.45155 61.219 37.31
POR-221_20200104_1 2279.88571 60.32 36.8
POR-236_20200104_2 2304.69755 59.684 36.82
POR-235_20200104_2 2330.78335 60.356 37.65
ACR-247_20200104_1 2331.74976 61.125 37.4
BK-1_20200104_1 2356.03458 60.851 37.64
ACR-244_20200104_2 2312.64306 59.306 37.53
ACR-243_20200104_1 2313.96408 60.283 37.83

Run 2:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2110.499 60.101 35
BK-6_20200106_6 2340.47914 60.051 37.87
POC-217_20200105_3 2328.82375 60.027 37.89
ACR-225_20200106_5 2295.83706 59.846 37.9
ACR-231_20200105_4 2302.29988 60.24 37.97
ACR-237_20200106_5 2301.59754 60.308 37.95
ACR-350_20200106_6 2324.14255 59.888 37.91
POR-240_20200105_4 2320.5666 60.421 37.97
POR-353_20200106_6 2248.87862 59.829 37.96

Run 3:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2108.20792 60.346 35
Initial1_20200106_6 2342.93012 60.118 37.87
Initial1_20200107_7 2359.76202 60.018 37.89
Initial2_20200106_6 2328.58517 59.684 37.91
Initial2_20200107_7 2358.01268 60.039 37.94
POR-340_20200107_7 2298.74556 59.68 37.98
POR-355_20200106_6 2292.79806 60.093 37.96
POR-384_20200107_7 2246.51929 60.055 37.96
ACR-343_20200107_7 2309.90034 60.242 38

Run 4:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2106.20673 60.064 35
Initial1_20200106_5 2289.58405 59.751 37.55
BK-7_20200107_7 2356.63365 59.634 37.54
POC-369_20200107_7 2322.27535 60.072 37.56
POC-377_20200106_6 2280.25736 59.803 37.65
ACR-265_20200105_4 2328.93355 60.273 37.7
ACR-345_20200107_7 2329.65971 60.455 37.89
POR-224_20200105_4 2320.6102 60.135 37.93
POR-362_20200106_6 2274.03636 60.256 37.94

20200318 Emma and Pierrick and Hollie (3 runs)

Run 1:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2111.58105 60.763 35
POR-253_20200105_4 2200.01988 60.611 37.16
POR-251_20200106_5 2245.50642 60.02 37.14
POR-266_20200105_3 2241.96263 60.063 37.21
POC-207_20200105_4 2330.15529 59.83 37.17
POR-245_20200105_3 2297.85524 59.366 37.18
ACR-258_20200105_3 2329.42448 60.03 37.33
BK-5_20200106_5 2323.33425 60.164 37.24
POC-259_20200105_3 2274.74885 60.668 37.14

Run 2:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2083.14922 59.95 35
Initial1_20200105_3 2273.21421 37.256 35.6
POR-261_20200106_5 2338.40199 59.738 37.61
BK-5_20200106_5 2356.92038 60.523 37.46
BK-2_20200104_2 2359.63364 60.817 37.51
ACR-389_20200106_6 2332.09833 59.824 38.77
POC-248_20200104_2 2125.46803 29.433 35.4
Initial2_20200106_5 2195.53421 27.034 36.49
Initial2_20200111_14 2341.65789 49.902 37.15

POC-216 bottle label is actually POR-261.

Run 3:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
POR-387_20200108_9 2305.25321 51.915 37.46
ACR-145_20200111_14 2328.40214 48.758 37.49
ACR-165_20200111_14 2292.71005 51.182 37.55
POC-55_20200111_14 2324.54047 48.309 37.62
POC-53_20200111_14 2331.14166 50.319 37.6
POR-73_20200111_14 2347.30681 49.319 37.22
POR-82_20200111_14 2290.74187 52.039 37.24
POC-57_20200111_14 2397.20882 43.858 38.71
POC-372_20200108_9 2318.10586 51.839 37.24

20200321 Emma and Pierrick (3 runs)

Run 1:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2118.57179 45.928 35
POC-45_20200111_15 2331.34309 49.453 37.63
POR-74_20200111_14 2226.30763 49.906 37.42
BK-14_20200111_14 2341.3981 51.681 36.79
Initial1_20200111_14 2337.796 50.312 37.71
ACR-185_20200111_14 2287.78789 51.132 36.84
POC-50_20200111_15 2325.35604 50.158 36.24
POC-68_20200111_15 2323.62506 49.396 36.2
POR-83_20200111_15 2242.81069 50.659 37.42

Run 2:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2642.5321 60.967 35
POR-77_20200111_15 2320.2919 51.663 37.72
ACR-175_20200111_15 2326.74355 48.851 37.93
ACR-186_20200111_15 2321.95558 50.424 37.75
BK-15_20200111_15 2373.52763 44.484 37.71
POC-50_20200111_15 2326.6607 49.114 37.5
ACR-173_20200111_15 2340.83327 45.174 38.47
POR-72_20200111_15 2262.39016 49.13 38.06
Initial1_20200111_15 2343.90542 50.253 37.78

Run 3:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2646.21995 59.184 35
NA 2333.77641 47.405 37.66
NA 2244.98889 50.501 37.95
NA 2328.34115 50.149 38.06
NA 2326.72068 48.348 38.74
NA 2314.87429 50.193 37.99
Initial2_20200111_15 2347.33022 51.522 37.89
NA 2325.83054 49.661 38.07
NA 2263.24728 48.634 38.21

See below note for NAs.

Duplicates done. These are taken out of the data files in the E5 folder for now but raw data lives in Titrator repo (not edited):

  • ACR-186 taken out of Run 3, kept in Run 2
  • POC-68 taken out of Run 3, kept in Run 1
  • POC-45 taken out of Run 3, kept in Run 1
  • ACR-173 taken out of Run 3, kept in Run 2
  • POR-83 taken out of Run 3, kept in Run 1
  • POR-77 taken out of Run 3, kept in Run 2
  • POR-72 taken out of Run 3, kept in Run 1

20200322 Emma and Kristen (4 runs)

CRM error: -0.05%

Run 1:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2650.48042 44.108 35
ACR-139_20200110_13 2319.51332 50.256 37.17
POR-81_20200110_13 2314.74675 50.735 37.34
ACR-187_20200110_13 2292.28379 51.731 37.3
BK-13_20200110_13 2342.83092 50.645 37.47
POR-79_20200110_13 2258.19395 51.79 37.07
POR-71_20200110_13 2314.3771 50.08 37.9
POC-52_20200110_13 2310.9354 49.71 37.44
ACR-190_20200110_13 2316.44093 50.497 37.64

Run 2:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2647.59596 55.731 35
ACR-176_20200110_12 2243.91882 51.99 36.98
POC-56_20200110_12 2323.0274 51.709 37.21
POR-69_20200110_12 2280.55526 53.379 37.18
POR-75_20200110_12 2246.50921 49.872 37.2
Initial2_20200110_13 2370.49297 47.291 37.73
Initial2_20200110_12 2337.9261 49.897 37.47
POC-41_20200110_13 2306.66837 49.607 37.28
POC-43_20200110_13 2309.73417 50.101 37.4

Run 3:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2645.13668 59.69 35
ACR-51_20200109_11 2323.50066 49.59 37.84
ACR-140_20200110_12 2295.45644 50.685 37.73
ACR-180_20200109_11 2323.09432 50.718 38.2
ACR-193_20200110_12 2288.35923 51.965 37.87
POC-47_20200110_12 2293.71726 52.933 38.18
POC-48_20200110_12 2292.89801 51.152 38.12
BK-12_20200110_12 2332.94472 51.275 38.06
POR-78_20200110_12 2245.37962 52.171 38.14

Run 4:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2643.79377 59.707 35
POR-70_20200109_11 2342.65017 47.102 41.18
POR-76_20200109_11 2314.69552 51.649 37.55
POR-80_20200109_11 2339.53291 48.432 37.83
ACR-150_20200109_11 2293.27016 46.331 37.93
ACR-396_20200108_9 2298.18117 54.322 37.22
BK-11_20200109_11 2338.51884 49.935 37.6
POC-42_20200109_11 2319.72446 48.979 37.82
POC-44_20200109_11 2387.20571 48.055 38.71

20200323 Emma and Kristen (3 E5 runs; 4 runs total with 1 blue tank run)

0.13% CRM error

Run 1:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2994.82376 60.459 35
Initial2_20200109_11 2347.68385 50.295 37.23
POC-40_20200109_11 2336.42257 48.12 37.75
POC-346_20200108_9 2311.97058 45.69 37.33
POC-366_20200108_9 2305.23846 51.215 37.3
ACR-390_20200108_9 2313.38028 52.575 37.38
POR-338_20200108_10 2264.61331 50.293 37.65
POR-349_20200108_10 2313.13904 50.982 37.91
POR-354_20200108_9 2289.3542 51.392 37.96

Run 2:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2973.47483 59.946 35
Initial2_20200108_10 2342.27335 51.074 37.41
POR-365_20200108_10 2317.11089 50.306 37.66
POR-367_20200108_10 2324.75939 50.397 37.55
BK-10_20200108_10 2345.53728 50.996 38.03
ACR-351_20200108_10 2306.23493 48.197 37.32
ACR-374_20200108_10 2308.43032 50.484 37.65
POC-375_20200108_10 2320.45236 50.271 37.57
POC-386_20200108_10 2343.08793 49.01 37.94

Run 3:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 3002.88929 44.216 35
Initial1_20200110_12 2343.18073 53.353 37.01
Initial1_20200110_13 2344.21063 51.878 37.27
Initial1_20200108_10 2347.6633 49.497 37.25
Initial1_20200109_11 2337.01936 49.022 37.28
BK-9_20200108_9 2343.82123 50.195 37.64
POC-359_20200108_9 2329.67509 50.059 37.62
POR-341_20200107_8 2334.40555 56.833 38.21

November 2020, 145 samples to complete


Run 1:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2459.52806 59.85 35
Initial2_20201103_3 2328.08088 59.597 38.46
Initial1_20201102_2 2344.52274 59.003 38.38
Initial1_20201102_1 2283.39532 60.133 38.65
BK-3_20201103_3 2327.75499 59.192 38.46
POC-248_20201103_3 2284.3558 60.599 38.38
Initial1_20201105_8 2347.90306 60.791 38.5
POR-209_20201102_1 2285.07298 59.812 38.64
ACR-241_20201103_4 2305.81769 59.832 38.51

Run 2:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2459.19918 59.523 35
ACR-398_20201104_6 2330.44006 60.171 38.15
POR-242_20201103_3 2308.52711 59.267 38.19
POC-371_20201104_6 2322.18042 60.5 38.26
POC-255_20201103_4 2333.55238 60.396 38.44
POC-373_20201104_6 2312.65502 60.412 38.46
ACR-267_20201103_4 2207.2942 59.97 38.47
POC-207_20201102_1 2324.88341 60.167 38.34
BK-1_20201102_1 2348.63579 60.244 38.44


Run 1:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2470.81103 59.913 35
Initial1_20201105_7 2375.6211 59.944 38.74
POR-362_20201105_7 2241.1036 59.764 38.51
POC-386_20201105_7 2316.37118 59.829 38.5
ACR-244_20201102_1 2278.36467 60.471 38.31
POR-383_20201105_8 2317.13254 59.813 38.47
ACR-237_20201102_1 2158.40301 60.309 38.53
ACR-229_20201103_3 2288.22038 60.121 38.51
Initial1_20201103_4 2350.70154 59.984 38.65



SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 1556.04272 59.872 35
POR_224_20201102_2 1982.24103 59.795 38.53
Initial2_20201102_2 2070.523 60.014 38.55
ACR-225_20201103_3 2272.05144 59.752 38.64
POR-221_20201103_3 2233.26146 60.259 38.76
POC-259_20201103_4 2135.60169 60.289 38.67
ACR-389_20201104_6 2340.14637 59.756 38.73
POC-372_20201104_6 2226.12092 60.127 38.66
POC-366_20201104_5 2042.30818 60.216 38.73


Run 1:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2685.99576 59.669 35
Initial1_20201103_3 2357.93901 59.627 38.53
POC-238_20201102_2 2257.75923 60.284 38.64
POR-260_20201102_2 2274.71246 60.457 38.72
POR-214_20201102_1 2200.7441 59.989 38.69
ACR-210_20201102_2 2286.12298 60.5 38.62
POC-219_20201102_2 2271.37031 60.178 38.71
POR-216_20201102_1 2277.59854 59.841 38.71
ACR-213_20201102_2 2296.61666 59.943 38.79


Run 1:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2215.25079 42.063 35
POC-346_20201105_8 2296.8305 51.609 39.03
POR-365_20201104_6 2260.39111 54.976 39.29
POR-340_20201104_5 2279.67102 59.552 39.18
POC-358_20201104_5 2328.00067 57.809 39.28
ACR-220_20201103_3 2253.65176 57.133 39.19
POC-369_20201104_5 2332.31998 59.956 39.26
POC-254_20201103_3 2302.67953 58.129 39.32
ACR-343_20201104_5 2156.2942 57.035 39.3

Run 2:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2449.07902 53.995 35
ACR-256_20201103_4 2324.42984 54.088 39.19
Initial2_20201104_6 2351.01021 56.516 39.21
POC-359_20201104_5 2299.02915 53.227 39.43
POR-349_20201104_6 2313.73717 55.566 39.17
POR-341_20201104_5 2227.52434 53.448 39.33
POR-353_20201104_6 2189.43197 59.455 39.26
BK-6_20201104_6 2312.03214 56.003 39.29
ACR-368_20201104_5 2279.81497 57.319 39.35

Run 3:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2446.89246 59.876 35
POR-251_20201103_4 2293.29224 59.387 39.29
Initial1_20201104_6 2342.07398 59.896 39.22
POR-262_20201103_4 2266.24457 60.434 39.26
Initial1_20201104_5 2343.47258 60.971 39.27
POR-338_20201104_5 2288.88806 60.698 39.16
POR-245_20201103_3 2261.05437 60.193 39.18
POR-354_20201104_6 2296.80522 59.555 39.08
BK-5_20201104_5 2347.686 60.532 39.23


Run 1:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2455.19823 55.633 35
Initial2_20201106_9 2319.0847 52.456 38.24
Initial2_20201106_10 2302.00178 52.931 38.14
POR-73_20201106_10 2264.46342 52.683 38.64
POC-40_20201106_9 2278.31715 53.372 38.11
ACR-145_20201106_9 2277.65617 54.957 38.2
POR-70_20201106_9 2575.80824 46.026 45.87
POR-74_20201106_10 2173.01456 52.571 38.24
BK-10_20201106_10 2312.12355 53.495 38.5

Run 2:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2459.29679 59.988 35
POC-47_20201106_10 2375.5343 51.096 41.06
POR-72_20201106_10 2243.16768 52.797 39.62
ACR-175_20201106_10 2299.00502 53.497 39.09
POC-44_20201106_10 2312.11909 53.392 39.45
POC-43_20201106_9 2279.50746 53.086 39.33
POR-69_20201106_9 2214.73618 55.09 39.22
POR-71_20201106_9 2294.02013 52.441 40.5
Initial1_20201106_10 2313.52694 52.299 39.07

Run 3:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2454.84057 59.813 35
ACR-150_20201106_9 2390.2876 51.01 40.86
BK-8_20201105_8 2312.99331 53.103 39.46
ACR-176_20201106_10 2273.41324 53.903 39.22
Initial1_20201106_9 2312.1421 51.567 39.18
ACR-173_20201106_10 2293.94975 54.57 39.2
POC-45_20201106_10 2281.9282 53.781 39.3
ACR-139_20201106_9 2406.96171 51.684 41.24
BK-9_20201106_9 2309.69362 53.303 39.21


Run 1:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2453.36554 51.4 35
POR-357_20201105_7 2287.31341 56.134 39.5
POC-391_20201105_8 2315.54577 56.953 39.25
POC-375_20201105_7 2318.89853 58.838 38.89
Initial2_20201105_7 2345.46256 54.44 39.03
POC-394_20201105_8 2314.7015 55.353 38.91
POC-377_20201105_7 2317.55119 54.729 38.91
POC-378_20201105_7 2247.99033 56.844 38.71
ACR-234_20201102_1 2233.43928 54.75 38.98

Run 2:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2454.79681 53.023 35
POC-42_20201106_9 2279.72266 52.572 39.39
POR-240_20201102_2 2304.73126 55.106 39.54
Initial2_20201105_8 2340.89755 57.739 39.49
Initial2_20201102_1 2303.27971 61 39.47
ACR-390_20201105_7 2307.28893 59.167 39.46
BK-2_20201102_2 2255.41764 57.563 39.25
POR-384_20201105_8 2290.54093 56.42 39.28
POC-395_20201105_8 2324.36352 56.254 39.17

Run 3:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 4095.35382 24.748 35
ACR-218_20201102_2 2194.16801 55.877 39.66
POC-205_20201102_1 2280.55671 54.129 39.67
POC-222_20201102_2 2314.33751 56.28 39.5
ACR-393_20201105_8 2328.77103 53.989 39.65
POR-367_20201105_7 2268.30316 59.917 39.2
POC-200_20201102_1 2309.16733 56.301 39.63
POR-381_20201105_8 2190.69777 60.546 39.37
BK-7_20201105_7 2342.26238 57.006 39.43

Run 4:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
POC-50_20201107_12 2295.59409 53.408 39.7
POR-385_20201105_8 2255.15972 52.336 39.59
POC-239_20201103_3 2325.1578 54.049 39.49
Initial2_20201103_4 2343.93203 56.65 39.43
POC-257_20201103_4 2321.67537 55.956 39.6
BK-4_20201103_4 2343.80303 57.351 39.6
POR-253_20201103_4 2292.41839 56.323 39.48
Initial2_20201104_5 2346.28827 59.052 39.54


Run 1:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2462.74103 48.867 35
POR-75_20201107_11 2266.84129 51.645 39.16
ACR-178_20201107_11 2333.26496 52.936 39.9
POC-52_20201107_11 2328.66141 52.31 39.14
POC-48_20201107_12 2310.66864 53.033 38.9
ACR-186_20201107_12 2287.20802 54.479 38.21
POC-55_20201107_11 2298.00034 54.821 37.83
ACR-185_20201107_11 2403.8172 52.244 39.46
ACR-180_20201107_11 2308.76516 54.219 37.99

Run 2:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2466.76751 48.956 35
POC-68_20201107_12 2298.86364 53.24 37.61
POC-53_20201107_11 2292.89003 54.839 39.06
BK-11_20201107_11 2383.68147 53.059 39.73
POC-57_20201107_12 2401.55067 51.579 39.6
ACR-187_20201107_12 2285.52314 54.9 37.42
POR-79_20201107_11 2237.75686 54.288 37.35
POR-76_20201107_11 2161.95406 54.583 37.01
Initial1_20201107_12 2322.32984 53.464 38.72

Run 3:

SampleID TA Mass Salinity
JUNK 1 2459.95448 58.154 35
BK-12_20201107_12 2315.17967 54.23 38.59
Initial2_20201107_11 2323.62604 52.308 38.47
Initial1_20201107_11 2339.57832 51.364 39.3
POR-82_20201107_12 2204.67128 54.183 38.1
POR-81_20201107_12 2546.20421 46.797 42.17
POR-83_20201107_12 2158.60913 54.008 37.96
Initial2_20201107_12 2313.85678 51.491 38.7

Salinity probe test info

Equipment locations

Lab inventory link google sheet: here.

More 10 mL serological pipettes live on BS11.

BS10: titrator supplies, buffers, pH
BS11: ziplock bags and plastic containers, 10 mL serological pipette tips

Junk seawater can be taken from a blue tank downstairs in the aquarium room.

The serological pipette holder lives in the third drawer down on the same bench as the waste (just the left side if you are looking at the bench).


See titration protocol for full waste details.

Serological pipette tips are broken in half and placed in the solids bin. Kim wipes are also placed in this bin.
Samples post-run are placed in the liquids container.

Waste pick up

When the bottles are ready to be picked up, fill out this link.

From: Emma Strand
Email Address: emma_strand@uri.edu
Location of Waste: CBLS 190
PI: Hollie Putnam
Waste Container 1-List all contents in waste container: Insert all contents on the bottle label.
Quantity and size of container: 4L plastic jug
Hazard Class: toxic
Repeat for as many bottles as we have.

Supplies Needed (Use dropdown menu below description to indicate quantity needed):

4 liter plastic jug (for liquid wastes): 6

Additional comments: The bottles are located in the first row of benches in CBLS 190. Bottles to be picked up are marked with tape and “To Be Picked Up” label in cabinet labeled BD12.

Acid Bottle replacement

  1. Purge the remaining acid out so that the lines and bottle are empty.
  2. This acid is now waste. This can be neutralized with seawater or DI water and poured down the sink (contact PI to make sure you are doing this step correctly).
  3. Connect the new acid bottle to the titrator lines and purge at least six times to fill the lines with the new acid.
Written on March 3, 2022