Andromeda Clean-Up

Andromeda Clean Up Fall 2022


I deleted the raw files becasue these also exist in my github lab notebook. These are trial 16S files from the E5 team and I believe also exist at Shedd with Ross. The lab work was not done or sequenced at URI.


This appears to be some fasta file.. with protein codes? Where did this come from? Deleted it. Possibly from protein expression from Erin M?


Raw data files are on NCBI for this project.


Raw data was deleted b/c this exists on NCBI and data analysis is complete.


Data analysis is still in progress so I did not change anything here. There is no raw data here.


cd BleachingPairs_methylseq/. this is the old genome v2 version so I can delete the biggest folders:

  • bismark_deduplicated
  • reference_genome

I ended up deleting the whole folder to just leave the v3 version.

raw_data is all sym links.

The rest I will leave until all analysis is done.


I went to delete the HoloInt_16s/raw-data folder because there are on NCBI but I got this question: rm: remove write-protected regular file ‘raw-data/HPW061_S56_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz’? so I exited out of this for now…


No raw data here. This is all on NCBI


I am out of the testing trial phase and using genome v2 version so I can delete the biggest files and whole folders.

cd HoloInt_methylseq, HoloInt_methylseq2, HoloInt_methylseq3, and HoloInt_methylseq_final, . this is the old genome v2 version so I can delete the biggest folders:

  • bismark_deduplicated
  • reference_genome

Old Genome files

I removed:

  • Montipora_capitata_HIv2.assembly.fasta
  • Montipora_capitata_HIv2.genes.gff3
  • Pocillopora_acuta_HIv1.assembly.fasta

Where does this live outside of my folders? /data/putnamlab/estrand/PointJudithData_16S/QIIME2_v4v5/gut_v4v5/00_RAW_gz


We are only using V6 region so I am deleting the analysis I did for V3V4.

rm -r QIIME2_v4v5


This is still in progress so nothing to delete here.


I deleted this folder b/c I can redownload this for a future analysis using script I already have.


This is the only spot for this raw data so I didn’t delete any of it.


This didn’t have anything important in it.. I think this was a product of a methylseq run in the wrong directory? Deleted.

Written on November 11, 2022